Strategy REsources
Published on
May 2024

Your (Strategic) Direction is More Important Than Your Speed

As your business grows, complexity becomes inevitable. With each new offering, team, or location, the challenges multiply. Without a clear Strategic Direction, the journey becomes uncertain and fraught with misalignment and inefficiency. We believe that defining your Strategic Direction is more than just a managerial exercise—it's about crafting a cohesive story that guides your business towards a sustainable and successful future.

Understanding Strategic Direction

A strategic direction serves as a guiding framework for your business, answering two fundamental questions: "Where do you want to be?" and "How are you going to get there?" This encompasses everything that needs to happen in the medium to long term to reach your desired future state.

The Importance of Strategic Direction

1. Focus and Discipline for Leadership:

As your business grows and generates more opportunities, it becomes increasingly important to stay focused. A clear strategic direction helps leadership prioritise effectively, ensuring that resources are allocated to the most impactful opportunities. Without it, you risk being distracted by numerous possibilities that may not contribute to your long-term success.

2. Alignment and Motivation for Employees:

A well-defined strategic direction creates a sense of alignment and purpose for everyone in the company. Employees understand what they are contributing towards and why their work matters. This alignment not only motivates them but also ensures that their efforts are directed towards meaningful outcomes.

3. Framework for Innovation:

When everyone in the company understands where it is headed and why, it creates a framework for innovation. New ideas can be evaluated based on their alignment with the company’s vision, ensuring that innovations contribute to the overall goals rather than becoming distractions.

Components of a Strategic Direction

1. Purpose:

The purpose explains why your business exists. It captures the essence of what your business does and why it is important.

2. Vision:

The vision outlines the desired future state of your business. It is a long-term aspirational view of where you want your company to be.

3. Mission:

The mission statement details what your company strives to achieve and the impact it aims to have. It describes the actions and strategies that will make your vision a reality.

4. Long-Term Goals:

These are the milestones that mark significant progress towards your vision. They are broad, ambitious targets set for the next 3 to 5 years.

5. Medium-Term Objectives:

These break down your long-term goals into more specific, achievable targets for the next 1 to 3 years. They serve as stepping stones towards your broader ambitions.

The Necessity of Developing a Strategic Direction

Once your business starts to scale or expand, it’s crucial to think rigorously about why it exists and where you want it to go. As you become more successful, opportunities multiply, and while this is positive, it also poses risks. A strategic direction maintains focus and prevents the business from being led astray by unproductive opportunities.

Metavolve’s Unique Approach

At Metavolve, we recognise that developing a strategic direction is not just about crafting a vision or setting goals. It's about a deeper, creative process that envisions the future and works backwards to make that vision a reality.

1. Envisioning the Future:

We start by helping you envision the future of your business. This involves unplugging from daily routines and using a guided meditative process to visualise diverse scenarios and contexts. This immersive process helps you create a vivid and detailed vision story.

2. Setting Goals and Objectives:

We then translate your vision story into actionable steps by setting long-term goals and medium-term objectives. We focus on the critical question: “What needs to be true for this vision to become a reality?” This ensures that your goals are comprehensive and aligned with your vision.

3. Comprehensive Planning:

Finally, we integrate your goals and objectives with your SWOT analysis to ensure that all strategic considerations are addressed. This approach ensures that your strategic direction is ambitious yet grounded in a realistic understanding of your business environment.


Developing a clear and well-thought-through strategic direction is essential for sustaining growth, providing clarity and motivation, and fostering innovation. By following the steps in this article, you can create a strategic direction that aligns your team, empowers your employees, and drives your business towards a successful and sustainable future.

At Metavolve, we believe in the power of a thoughtfully crafted strategy to transform your business. Whether you choose to engage with us or embark on this journey independently, we are committed to helping you succeed. Invest the effort to develop your strategic direction, and you’ll be equipped with the tools needed to navigate complexity, align your team, and achieve your long-term vision.

Cameron Coutts
Co-Founder & Director of Growth and People

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